Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

To my Little Wing

Time is moving slowly,
The day is almost here.

The anxiety and joy is building up,
For my baby boy will soon appear.

I can't wait to see your smiling face,
And hold your little hand.

Just then I'll know deep inside
that you’re my little man.

I have so much to share with you
day after day.

And to you my son I will give my love
in each and every way.

117 Days to go!

Sometimes things happen that totally rock your life and in the midst of all the chaos and preparations for a specific even, it seems like all you have to do is blink and there's the day you were waiting for.  A day that seemed lightyears away.

There are 117 days to go until Jace Michael gets here.  That's 117 to "get all my ducks in a row" as my mother would say.  117 days to enjoy being the only one who decides if I want to lay in bed all day long and watch movies (these days usually fall on a Sunday and are called "Lazy Sundays").  117 days to go where ever I want, whenever I want, and do whatever I want.
117 days seems like a really long time, but I know amongst all the chaos and all the preparations--I'm going to blink...and he's here.